Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Kids Do

Currently, I am working in a Pediatric clinic. As cute and adorable as kids are (and mine in particular - *wink, wink*), Pediatrics was not one of my favorite parts of medicine. However, after a few weeks of seeing them day in and day out, all day long, I've actually grown to love it.

One of the best things is that you never know what you are going to get when you walk into the room. Oh, the stories Pediatricians can tell. The innocence of a child is priceless, and can be stinking funny, too. Kids will do, and say, the funniest things.

Well, I have a pretty stinking funny, priceless, cute Pediatric patient of my very own - Owen! Although we have some good stories from his visits to Dr. Mogenson, he may have topped them all this morning at our house.

As you know, we are getting ready to sell our house, so in the spare moments of the week I've been doing some touch up painting. Today was no different, and I decided to take full advantage of a day off. There had been a small painting incident earlier in the month with Owen, so I decided today I would be wiser and only paint things higher than the door knobs because that it precisely how high his little fingers can reach. My plan was working, and I covered a lot of ground while Owen was running from one room to the next. Of course, painting gets boring so I decided to take a break and do some laundry. (Yeah, I know, some kind of break.) I washed out my brush, put the lid on the paint can, and pushed it against the wall on our nightstand near where I had just finished.

Shortly into my laundry pile, my ears realized the familiar toddler chatter was missing. That is never a good sign. Quickly, I headed off in search of Owen's next great adventure. Sure enough I found him in the bedroom. On the floor was laying an empty water glass that previously had been filled with water on our nightstand, soaking wet slippers "strategically" placed, and...
the white paint can! Can you imagine what was sitting next to this now opened can? Yep, a sweet, innocent, adorable little boy with gooey white hands in his Husker pajamas changed from red to white. Paint was in his hair, and there was a big gob on his face next to a big grin. AAHHHH! Do I scream, laugh, or cry first?!

I swooped him up off the ground and held him out in front in a futile effort to save my clothes. (Trust me, nothing could have saved my clothes in that mess.) We rushed to the only place I could think... the bathtub. This has been our place of refuse for many a mess, but I wasn't sure if even it was ready for this. Thankfully, I tossed the brand new shower curtain out of the way and the matching rug into a heap as far away in the corner as it could get, because it took all of 5 seconds for him to grab the his bath toy with his paint covered hands and pitch it out of the tub. Bounce, bounce it went across the room leaving a wet, white trail in its path. By this point I was laughing uncontrollably.

Thankfully, he cleans up well, as did every surface in the bathroom and, thanks to our Spot Bot, the carpet at the scene of the crime, too. What a way to start the day! I've heard many stories like this from my patients, but to live it was really something else.

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