Monday, May 24, 2010

The Life

Don't let us fool you. This time in a brand-spanking-new-doctor's life isn't all bad. Multiple times I've heard the last year of med school described as "the best year of your life." It is something of a reward after spending three long years in the anatomy lab, lecture halls, exam rooms and operating rooms. (All of which have no windows I might add. I guess they are being gracious because even if we could see the sun, it would just be a tease. After all, we wouldn't be able to enjoy it. If we did get "let off" by our professors, residents, or attendings, we were never really "off." There was always a book that should have been read yesterday, a test to study for, a pimp* session to panic over, an evaluation to suck up for, or groceries and toilet paper to buy. Okay, I think I've made my point; now, back to the matter at hand.) Similar to your senior year in high school, this is the year that motivates you during the others. It's the year you get to do just about anything you want to do. For example, some of my classmates traveled the world, some had babies, some took the easiest electives they could think of just to be able to sleep in, and some took month after month of the specialty they loved or would never be able to do again. Really, it is a great year. Maybe they are letting us rest up for what promises to be a much different year to come, but let's not think about that.

To be fair, this year isn't all about fun and games. There are a few requirements and expectations. This is also the year we have to officially decide what specialty we will do. For me, Family Practice. We have to spend a lot of time and money (oh my, money and loans, I can't wait to talk about that!) traveling the country for residency interviews. We also have to take Step 2 of boards* which requires even more traveling and even more money.

Actually, I'm a little bit of an exception to the typical M4* rules so I may not be the best person to describe this year for you. I'm sure I'll get into more details later, but essentially, I gave up a usual fourth year and began my residency early. My schedule was a little busier than my peers, but I also didn't have to worry about letters of recommendation, interviews or Match Day*. Although I didn't have as much time off, I do get the entire month of May as vacation so I'm not too tortured.

Right now it is 8:37AM. The birds are chirping, there is a slight breeze, and it is a perfect 77 degrees outside. Now I know that means it is going to be blistering hot today, but that's why we have air-conditioning. I am sitting on the back deck in my pajamas in a chair with a new blue cushion that I bought on one of many recent leisurely shopping trips. My feet are propped up on the table with painted toe nails, my coffee is the perfect temperature beside me, my dog is laying in the yard chewing on a rib bone from yesterday's lunch, my cat is sprawled out on the table soaking up the sun, and my iPad is in my lap. Owen is already taking his morning nap, and I'll be getting out my nook to read another chapter of my Beth Moore book as soon as I finish typing this. What a life, and I am enjoying every moment of it!

*Keep your eyes out for a "Definitions" post coming soon.

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